“Narrative seems to be the default task orientation of the human mind. …If our minds can process information in narrative terms, they automatically will.”
Speaking Engagements and Workshops
It’s no use having a great idea if you can’t communicate it. Narrative Futures helps you discover opportunities and transmit what you learn.
Foresight Research: Trends & Disruptors
Become alert to the moments when ordinary developments become extraordinary opportunities
Strategic Scenarios
Build models of the future that illuminate the sources of change as well as where your interventions could have the greatest impact
Scenario Fictions
Storytelling is our most powerful tool for communicating ideas. Deliberately use it to convey complex ideas in striking and memorable ways.
Science Fiction Prototyping
Use narrative to break conceptual logjams, play with alternatives and foresee the implications of seemingly “obvious” developments

A project I was part of just won an award from the Association of Professional Futurists — Project Hieroglyph won in Category 3: Illuminate the Future through Literary or Artistic Works. My short story Degrees of Freedom, highlighted on the Science Fiction Prototyping page of the site, is part of that anthology. Click here to learn more about this award.